Friday, December 18, 2009

Hey guys, its Amber. This is my first post, and I am new to this whole blogging thing so sorry if this is so retarded :D Anyway;
  • Simple goal #1: Go to the gym EVERYDAY!!!! I know that probably sounds like a simple first goal, but I haven't ever been too faithful with the gym and for me this takes a lot of commitment and dedication, so there you have it.

  • Simple goal #2: Eat a healthy balanced diet! I am going to write out a plan of exact amount of calories I want to consume per day (around 700-900) and exactly which foods I am going to eat, and the biggest part of this goal is sticking to it! It will be so beneficial for me to actually commit to eating right, especially for my diabetes.

Daily "Thinspiration"
(One day I WILL look like this)

LATER DAYSS, Amber; think thin!


Amanda said...

Oh man! I can almost see vag! She might be that skinny, but I'm sure they made her look even better with photoshop & spray tanner. That goal is fine as long as you're trying to get that body... not that personality ;) (wack job... sorry) :) You really don't need to work very hard, you look great already, but goal are good, so good job! I really need to be doing the same thing. Thanks for inspiring me :)

Amber Jay said...

Haha, I know huh she is kinda sleezy.. and I want the body for sure NOT the personality! I am glad I inspired you though! and I WISH I looked good already, I need to loose like 40-50 pounds for sure! Then i'll be happy! Chad will be glad too I am sure of it! LOL

Unknown said...

Dear Amber, I started working out too and I have some tips for you that you have to follow if you want to achieve your goal, my man is a personal trainer and is making me do all this. One: YOU need to eat 6 small meals a day that are about 200 calories each, this speeds up your metabolism and gives your body time to break your food down. Two: When you work out you need to do curcuits, not just cardio. The best way for girls to burn fat is weight lifting, when you do this it breaks down your muscle and your body uses your fat to repair it. So lift weights and alternate! Hope this helps a little!

Amber Jay said...

Thanks Camille! Luckily Chad knows alot about this stuff too sense he works out a ton and knows alot about the anatomy of the body and muscles. I DID know about the six meal thing- but my problem is I need to get some exact plans on what I am going to eat, and I want to eat about 800 calories a day instead of 1200... Do you know what you are going to eat? We should get together and plan it!!
Thanks for helping me out girllll! :)